Heliconius Butterfly
I love Heliconius Butterfly, Heliconius Butterfly is so awesome butterfltype, I'm amazed and remember of God when I see this Heliconius Butterfly beacuse of it' beauty and colorful wide wings. it is so awesome when it is in amongst the flower and shows it's widespreads.
Heliconius Butterfly comprise a colorful and widespread brush-footed butterfly genus, it is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the New World, Heliconius butterflies have been a subject of many studies due to their abundance and relative ease in breeding under laboratory conditions, as well as due to the extensive mimicry that occurs in this group. Studying this model group is helping scientists to understand how species are formed and why they are so diverse. They are usually unpalatable and are models for Müllerian mimicry by unrelated butterflies. Heliconius butterflies benefit from mimicking other unpalatable species of butterfly because doing so spreads the cost of educating predators. Hybrid speciation has been found to occur in this genus and may account for the diverse mimicry found in Heliconius butterflies.
Actually there are so much species list of Heliconius Butterfly, it means Heliconius Butterfly has so much another different beautiful types and species, and you can read it in the Wikipedia.com